Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (148 - 150 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1590 Fixed Allow tracker updating from console nick renato

Would be really nice to have a reload tracker option or better reload all torrent trackers,so if it gets a bit slow can be forced.

#1959 Fixed Allow user selectable GUI language Bro nicaw

Hi, I know it is possible to set it via launch parameter, but configurable option would be great in case user does not want system default language.

#1686 Fixed sometimes loading over diffrent mode nick karaken12

When showing the detail view of a torrent 'Waiting for Torrent State' is displayed, then one of two things happens: sometimes the view switches back to the main view temporarily, until the state is loaded, and sometimes it switches back permanently (until you press right again).

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