Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (154 - 156 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1292 WorksForMe Torrents with non-ascii (0x80-0xFF) character hidden in gtkui pipe

I downloaded two torrent files with an 'Ü' in the filename, and in the corresponding download folder. They did not show up in the GTK UI torrent list, but they do show in the count for the tracker in the left pane (the UI lists 7 torrents from the tracker, but only 5 shows up in the list when I select it). They also seem to have been downloaded correctly, with the correct umlaut-names. They are both listed in the console UI.

#1304 WorksForMe Context menu relocated after popup mathbr

Right after the menu in the main window has been popped out it is relocated to the location of the mouse pointer. This makes quick menu interaction impossible. Same goes for drag-activation (button press to open menu, keep pressed and hover the menu item, release to activate.)

#1311 WorksForMe Notifications plugin broken in GTK UI s0undt3ch konti

Plugin is configuable through GTK UI. Unforntunatly doesn't work in version 1.3RC1-dev. I'll post some logs.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.