Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (154 - 156 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2354 Fixed Alt+f shortcut conflict sqwishy

When a torrent is selected, alt+f will sometimes match the "File" item in the window's menubar, and at other times it will match the "Files" tab in the torrent details.

#1145 Fixed Always present window if it is not visible mathbr

If the main window is covered by other windows currently Deluge hides it instead of bringing it to front.

Thus only an active window should be hidden, in every other case it should be presented first.

#1488 Duplicate Annoying `invalid bencoding of tracker response: ""' ras

This annoying error, `invalid bencoding of tracker response: ""', I see only for torrents with auto managed mode on, and not ever for torrents for which I've auto managed mode turned off. When I turn auto managed mode of failed torrent off and restart it, all goes fine, and if I turn it on again, the same error appears. This error manifests itself frequently to me. VERY annoying. If it is not possible to fix it somehow, I would like to have option in preferences that would allow me to turn auto managed mode off once and for ever.

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