Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (157 - 159 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#158 Duplicate [Windows] Deluge refuses to open if downloads folder doesn't exist markybob

If deluge can't find the folder where it places downloads/torrents, it refuses to start up. The Daemon process starts, but that's it.

#159 WontFix recheck torrents in queue order, or recheck incomplete first markybob

It would be nice if torrents were rechecked in queue order. At the moment, it appears that torrents are rechecked in the order they were added to the client; this is sometimes annoying, as the one torrent I want to start immediately is often the last torrent I've opened with the client, and old, seeding torrents are all rechecked first before resuming the more recent ones.

If rechecking followed the queue order, I'd at least be able to express to the client which torrents were a higher priority for me.

Another possibility would be to recheck all incomplete torrents first, and recheck completed, seeding torrents afterward.

#160 Invalid specific up/download speed limit per torrent markybob

It would be useful to be able set a diffrent speed limit for each torrent in the list (in addition to global speed limit that already exists)

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