Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (160 - 162 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#455 Fixed deluged crashes on force re-check of compleated torrent andar tomterrific


When I forced a re-check on a completed paused torrent the daemon crashes.

I've had some problems with torrents getting near completion and then on a deluge restart after a crash suddenly being 10% or 15% less completed. So I wanted to check a torrent that had completed.

Forcing a re-check on a paused or seeding torrent caused the daemon to crash.

Checking a down loading torrent worked OK.

Using full file allocation.

How To Reproduce

  • Start deluge using GTK UI
  • Set torrent to stop seeding at 1.3
  • Configure to move torrent to a different directory when completed
  • Add torrent
  • Let torrent complete & pause
  • Use right-click on torrent menu to force re-check
  • daemon crashes, UI keeps running

Configuration Details

Deluge: 1.1.0-devr3758 running with GTK UI
System: Ubuntu 8.08 i386

#970 WontFix Port search plugin andar

The search plugin needs to be rewritten for 1.x branch

#1365 Fixed sidebar doesn't update .tomi

In Deluge 1.3.0, when checking/unchecking "Show Zero Hits" or "Show Trackers", adding or changing torrents' state doesn't update the sidebar.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.