Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (163 - 165 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#613 Invalid Web UI Choose files Broken mvoncken Freakapotamus

I have compiled version 1.0.5 from source on Linux. When adding a new torrent via Web UI and wanting to choose files it shows me files from some other torrent. It always seem to be the same torrent it shows me when i select that option.

#1605 Duplicate web UI causes 100% (very high) CPU usage Damien Churchill adagui

I'm running the latest Deluge and webui (1.3.1) on Windows Server 2008 R2 with daemon mode on.

The webui causes very high CPU usage on the client.

My client machine is a dual core macbook pro. It gets high cpu in all browsers (chrome, safari, firefox).

Running 400 torrents in total.

#2120 Fixed WebUI cannot change port settings Damien Churchill BugMeNot

WebUI cannot change port settings (in 1.3.5), the settings either do not take effect or only one of the fields gets stored in the config and the other reverts to its default value of 9881 or something.

Looking at "cat ~/.config/deluge/core.conf", I see that the port values are not changed to what I selected unless I use the GTK GUI. Something is not right in the either the JSON RPC or the WebUI-daemon's talking to the daemon.

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