Custom Query (2447 matches)
Results (166 - 168 of 2447)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#2338 | Fixed | typo in web UI (back-end) error message | ||
Description |
When adding a torrent from a URL that fails to download, the web UI back-end logs: [ERROR ] 16:56:57 json_api:661 Error occured downloading torrent from "occured" is spelled wrong. (I'm guessing this is in deluge/ui/web/ |
#3244 | Fixed | Use gzip content encoding only if supported by client | ||
Description |
At the moment deluge responds to requests for certain resource with gzip content encoding regardless of the requests Personally, I wanted deluge to respond with uncompressed assets because i have an nginx reverse proxy in front of deluge that's doing brotli (and gzip compression,) and caching those. The issue being that nginx only compresses when the origin (deluge) sends them uncompressed. This is usually achieved by configuring nginx to not forward the accept-encoding header. To reproduce, run: curl -o /dev/null -v The response will have a "Content-Encoding: gzip" header, and it's payload will be gzipped even though the request doesn't contain an "Accpet-Encoding: gzip" header. I created a PR to fix this: |
#1516 | Duplicate | Local file choosers displayed by gtkui for remote connection through SSH tunnel | ||
Description |
The GTK UI is showing local file browsers for my connection to a remote deluged instance. I didn't think the deluge team would be silly enough to do this, and I was right of course, but after diving into the source it seems to me that the client is switching which chooser to display depending on whether the server address is localhost or not. Herein lies the problem: I am connected to a remote deluged instance through an SSH tunnel with my endpoint bound to localhost. That is, yes: the UI is connected to localhost, but no: the deluged instance is not running locally. Specifically: