Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (166 - 168 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#167 Invalid Can't download to gvfs share markybob anonymous

I'm trying to download to a gvfs share over sftp. It gives me a boost error:


If I okay on that, it tells me:

There is not enough free disk space to complete your download. This torrents will be paused Space Needed: 238.1 GiB Available Space: 0.0 KiB

It's on Ubuntu Hardy.

#168 Duplicate 0.6.0 Peer display bug markybob TomTerrific

While running nightly build 3130-i386-Hardy I found a minor display bug.

When I displayed the peer tab I repeatedly got an error & a sub process crashed.

How to reproduce:

  • Start deluge w/ no torrents in queue
  • Add 2 torrents and both start downloading
  • Go to torrent 1
  • Click on peer tab

Get this error repeatedly:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/deluge/ui/gtkui/", line 282, in _on_get_torrent_status


TypeError: value is of wrong type for this column

I didn't try very hard - but this seemed easy to reproduce.

#169 Fixed Spontaneous crashes: no old fastresume to delete markybob anonymous

Deluge has crashed over 10 times within the last two hours. Every time it happened, my console printed the following data:

no old fastresume to delete
no old fastresume to delete
no old fastresume to delete
no old fastresume to delete
no old fastresume to delete
no old fastresume to delete
no old fastresume to delete
no old fastresume to delete
no old fastresume to delete
no old fastresume to delete
no old fastresume to delete
no old fastresume to delete
no old fastresume to delete
no old fastresume to delete
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

This is a pretty serious bug because I can't just leave Deluge on overnight... I'm using Ubuntu Gutsy and, for the first time today, the window manager Xfce (I don't know if this matters for Deluge).

Program version is actually, not

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