Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (169 - 171 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#161 Duplicate cpu time goes up markybob anonymous

in ubuntu hardy the cpu time goes up to 100% after some Hours.

#162 WontFix Long filenames within torrent problems markybob anonymous


A torrent I was downloading had filenames which I believe were too long for my file system (NTFS) to store (or at least this is what I believe). Everytime some of that file attempts to download, I get an error message and the torrent pauses until I click OK (at which point it continues downloading the other files). I tried to set the priority to "don't download" on the offending files, but I believe this just sets their priority to very low (as opposed to actually stopping all attempts to download them) as I still get the same error message coming up. I think it'd make sense to try and check the filename length and optionally truncate them if appropriate... or at least to cause files marked as "don't download" not to be examined in any way on disc. I'm presuming the priority method takes place after the file is open rather than not opening at all if it's in the don't download state. I hope this is clear,


#167 Invalid Can't download to gvfs share markybob anonymous

I'm trying to download to a gvfs share over sftp. It gives me a boost error:


If I okay on that, it tells me:

There is not enough free disk space to complete your download. This torrents will be paused Space Needed: 238.1 GiB Available Space: 0.0 KiB

It's on Ubuntu Hardy.

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