Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (175 - 177 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5 Fixed Choose which data files to use? markybob

I understand that moving torrents is limited by libtorrent but how about an option to select where the files are located. In that case you can move them yourself or as in my case rename the disk or move an USB-disk...

#94 Fixed Missing an option to set maximum connections on specific torrents.

As the title suggests.

Description of problem: It is easy for popular torrents to get hundreds of connections. You can set maximum connections per torrent and total torrents, but not individual. Torrents with fewer connections in total suffers when the limit is reached.

I think this is an important option to let the client become as effective as it can get.

Another harder option to make is to drop slow connections from those who have many connections in favor for slower torrents with few connections.

#403 Invalid Manual port does not work markybob


I've been trying to select a port that I would like to use as fixed port in Deluge. However Deluge only seems to accept "random" ports even though it is not selected. Even check if active port shows the wrong port.

This is a major problem since I cannot run Deluge in active mode.

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