Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (175 - 177 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#179 WontFix blocklist plugin updates the list too often andar anonymous

Blocklist plugin updates the blocklist nearly everytime, ignoring the settings to update every 14 days. It updates on every run, and on every look at the plugin's options. This is very annoying, and it sometimes crashes Deluge. Blocklist plugin shouldn't blindly download the list every time, it should check if the file was updated first.

#181 Invalid Ability to select specific files for downloading only markybob anonymous

Would like to see this implemented - when downloading, I want to be able to choose what file to download and what file not to download.

#182 Fixed ratio strangeness after hd disconnected markybob anonymous

My external HD got unplugged, and when I started it again some of the torrents that were running suddenly had amazingly large ratios, like 97.948 and 76.726 for the two downloading torrents, and 6.307, 3.712, and 2.596, etc for the seeding ones.

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