Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (16 - 18 of 2447)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2072 WontFix wrong share ratio counting hunterk

Share ratio is being counted incorrectly. For example: I've downloaded 1,2GB and uploaded 2,9 so how come my ratio is 1,03 ? I think that at present ratio is counted by dividing "upload" to "torrent size" instead of "upload" to "download".

#2925 Invalid Wrong peer_id after upgrade Len Sorensen

I upgraded from 1.3.12 to 1.3.13 and found out that the peerid being set was still for 1.3.12 (-DE13C0-) rather than 1.3.13 (-DE13D0-). I tracked down why this happened and the fix is simple.

#1582 Fixed Wrong path separator returned when moving storage in Windows Calum WillyWolly

Using the file dialog screen, the save path for a torrent gets saved with backward slashes (as visible in the 'Save Path' column). But when the location is changed afterwards using the file dialog screen those back slashes become forward slashes.

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