Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (178 - 180 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#554 Fixed SVN r4060: Right-click -> Openfolder breaks Deluge andar

In SVN r4024 it worked great but when grabbing SVN r4060 the bug has emerged.

#575 Invalid Downloads limit upload speed andar

I've tested some now to be sure. First I downloaded a torrent at 700 kb/s and uploading it at 350 kb/s at the same time. When the torrent was being uploaded it maxed out on 130 kb/s (had one less leecher). However, when I download another torrent at the same time, on the torrent I'm uploading the speed immediately dives down to 30 kb/s in upload. If I pause the downloading torrent the seed goes up to 130 kb/s again.

The Internet line is 10/10 Mbit and considering the speeds when the first torrent was downloaded I can only figure this is a problem with Deluge or perhaps libtorrent.

#655 Fixed Folders behaving oddly when adding multiple torrents andar

Error and how to reproduce it:

  1. Add torrent
  2. Select folder (I used external drive)
  3. Add a second torrent
  4. The first torrent now gets the root of the external drive.
  5. The second added gets the folder I selected for the first torrent.
  • Do not add or close the add window in between.
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.