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Results (181 - 183 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2017 WorksForMe WebUI gets into an endless Login loop Damien Churchill Calum

Forwarded from forum (needs verified):

WebUI and password problems seem to have been discussed a lot here, but still this problem is quite maddening - here is the step-by-step:

(1) Start deluge (I use the deluge-gtk, from the desktop, for the moment)
(2) Connect to it using a browser - login using the default password
(3) Observe it all functioning properly - you can see the torrents, make changes, etc.
(4) Click the the Options/Prefs/Configure button and open the pane that lets you change
 the Password and/or the Timeout and other things
(5) Make ANY change there - e.g. set the timeout to something else.
(6) Hit Apply and/or OK
*** You get into an endless loop of Login Prompts !!! You are asked for your password
 again and again!

If you enter the:
(a) Correct password - you just get another login prompt window
(b) Incorrect password - you get an "You entered an incorrect password!" message
 and back to the login prompt.

No, I have not and do not wish to change the password! All I want is the WebUI to let me in! It clearly makes a distinction between the right and wrong passwords, but _something_ seems to get into some endless loop of logins when that particular config pane is used.

#2058 WorksForMe Mistake of showing peers,seeds in "( )" Damien Churchill SanKen

Deluge after adding torrenta isn't showing () Only after restarting(deluge,deluged). is showing what should be in the bracket. screenshot Torrenty without brackets added a moment ago, with brackets earlier before the restart.

There was no it in the version 1.3.3

#2128 WorksForMe Move Storage moves wrong torrents. brooksaar

Using Deluge GTK client 1.3.5 on Windows connected to Deluge Server 1.3.5 on Debian Linux, when moving a completed torrent using the "Move Storage" option Deluge will often copy (not move, the original files are untouched) the wrong torrent.

Screenshot is attached. I asked Deluge GTK Client to move a movie torrent to my Movies folder, instead it copied 3 totally unrelated torrents to the Movies folder.

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