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Results (181 - 183 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1089 Fixed authentication Damien Churchill martinlindhe

Hello. I am a new deluge user so perhaps i am just confused.

I found references in documentation and in other places for a username & password authentication for the deluge daemon.

However in the web ui i only get a "password" prompt (what is the username? - where is the username?)

I only found it possible to configure a password using the gtk ui, yet still the daemon requires a username aswell for RPC (i was messing with flexget deluge module)

I am not sure if this is a bug (entering a username is missing?) or if the username concept has been removed in recent versions of deluge, then the documentation is outdated?

Personally i would like to keep the ability to configure a username & password pair for access.

#2463 Fixed AutoAdd Doadin

Under windows 7 sp1 64-bit with the developement branch withe the autoadd plugin no torrents are loaded with the error from deluge-debug being: add() got an unexpected keyword argument 'owner'

#1570 Fixed [autoadd] add option to save torrent file renato

Add the option to the autoadd plugin to save the torrent file like in the preferences of the main gtk.

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