Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#478 Fixed deluge "--help" should display the possible values for "ui" option andar

Currently, the help display for deluge (deluge -h) says that the UI can be chosen, but does not say what the choices are.

Something along the lines of:

-u UI, --ui=UI The UI that you wish to launch (gtk, null, or web)

would be really awesome.


#479 Duplicate upnp updates on port change - does not add udp or release previous ports RC9 andar anonymous

UPNP works properly at startup and requests port open for tcp and udp. Upon changing ports and no restart, upnp requests are sent to add only tcp port. Requests to remove previous ports and to add udp port not sent. See upnp.log file attached. --russ

#480 Fixed upnp updates on port change - does not add udp or release previous ports RC9 andar anonymous

UPNP works properly at startup and requests port open for tcp and udp. Upon changing ports and no restart, upnp requests are sent to add only tcp port. Requests to remove previous ports and to add udp port not sent. See upnp.log file attached. --russ

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