Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (187 - 189 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#481 Invalid couldn't start deluge andar

I have an an error that states: The procedure entry point ?PyWinObject_AsHANDLE@@YAHPAU_object@@PAPAXH@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library pywintypes25.dll.

What should i do?

#484 Duplicate Support for groups of torrents andar

Hi. A nice feature to consider would be groups. One would be able to select one or several torrent and add it or them to a group (an existing group or a new one). Groups would be listed on the left panel (may include a separator under "Checking"). One should then be able to manage torrents as currently doing for a sole torrent (pause, delete, bandwith actions, re-check and the like). Maybe using contextual menus on the groups labels within the left panel for these global actions would be appropriate.

#485 Fixed Torrent counts andar

Hi. What about displaying how many torrents a category owns on the left panel (à la utorrent)? Say:

All (25) Downloading (3) Seeding (20) Queued Paused (2) Error Checking

Don't know wether (0) or void is better

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