Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (190 - 192 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3130 Fixed Use another icon name for tray hxssss

Please use other tray icon name for better customization and theme settings.

#3138 Invalid Avoid reporting transfer to tracker Rudolph

The bug enables users to avoid reporting transfers, but still be able to fetch files from private trackers. I do not want to post specifics, as it'll require private trackers to ban Deluge until it is fixed. Please contact me on registered email or PM me on the forum, and I'll give the specifics.

#3148 Fixed [WebUI] Get connect user's auth level and name DjLegolas

I saw that there are plugins that enables functionality depending on the auth level of the connected user. But, there is no way for a plugin with a webui interface to get the auth level.

For example, in the AutoAdd plugin, the GtkUI calls the client's get_auth_level function, but there is no such function available for the WebUI.

So, I thought to add this function, and perhaps get_auth_user too.

Any way to add this support without the need to change the WebUI code itself? And if not, where is the best place to put the code in?

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