Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (190 - 192 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#76 WontFix Default torrent list markybob Tim

It would be nice to be able to have a list of default trackers that all torrents use AFTER they have cycled through their own trackers. It would be even better if the community could have an option to add their own trackers to a web based list that could be downloaded (after admin approval).

#2111 Duplicate Misleading 'paused' status tilkau

Sometimes, a torrent will have 'paused' status shown, but continue to download. This persists over restarts of Deluge. If I 'pause' the torrent and then 'resume' it, its status comes to match what is actually occurring: it gets shown as 'downloading'.

However, if I simply do 'resume' by itself, this has no effect; the status continues to indicate 'paused', and the torrent continues to download.

OS = Arch Linux, x64 (last update = Jun 04 / 2012) Libtorrent-rasterbar version = 1:0.15.10 Python version = 2.7.3

#1232 Fixed confusing display of IPv6 addresses in peers tab Calum tikal808

When in the peers tab using 1.2.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 IPv6 addresses are sometimes displayed in an incorrect format. Most specifically there is sometimes an extra digit applied to the last quad in the address. (see attached screenshot) Whether or not this is by design I do not know. Regardless, it's currently impossible to perform a a whois lookup on an IPv6 addresses displayed on the peers tab when there is extra digits in the address.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.