Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (193 - 195 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#528 Fixed Deluge does not remember its GUI settings on Gnome andar

Deluge 1.0.0 Gnome 2.22.3 / Ubuntu Hardy

Deluge GUI does not remember any GUI related settings (window size and position, inner windows' sizes...)

To reproduce...

  1. Open Deluge GUI, change window size, change inner organization.
  2. Close Deluge GUI.
  3. Open Deluge GUI.

Result: Deluge opens with default GUI settings.

Expected: Deluge should open with last used GUI settings.

#727 Fixed rm in console ui removes all andar

I've upgraded deluge to the latest 1.1.0-1, and when I try to stop and remove a torrent within the console ui, all the torrents are removed from the daemon. I had Torrent 1 downloading and Torrent 2 seeding and when I deleted Torrent 2(rm Torrent 2 <- tab auto completed it), both torrents were removed.

#1084 Fixed Deluge does not handle magnet links andar tiagoboldt

Despites being able to add torrents by hash, deluge still does not have handles magnet links. With the latest changes and controversies in the most important trackers, I guess that this should be a priority.

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