Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (196 - 198 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1102 Duplicate Folders Progress Status tiagoboldt

Whenever there's a folder on the files list tab, there is no way to see it's priority and progress.

I propose that the folder's progress should be the arithmetic mean of all the files inside it, so that there can be a progress bar on folders also, giving the user an idea on it's progress without having to open it and analyse each file.

Also, I propose that a folder's priority is the priority of it's files if they are all the same and some other text string if there are multiple priorities inside it.

#870 Fixed Deluge doesn't use configuration directory when loading ssl certificates mvoncken

When the configuration directory has been set away from ~/.config/deluge/ with the -c <dir> command, SSL mode cannot be enabled because the program searches ~/.config/deluge/ssl/ anyways for the files.

The error is given in the webui when https is checked to be enabled: Certificate not found at '/home/delugeusr/.config/deluge/ssl/deluge.cert.pem'

#948 Fixed Deluge not properly checking version markybob

Not quite sure if this is a windows only bug as my linux client still hasn't been upgraded to 1.1.8 (Waiting on the .deb update), but when a client of an updated version connects to a daemon of another, outdated, version, it will still be prompted with a notification box about a new update. (I.E. "Upgrade from 1.1.8 to 1.1.8")

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