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Results (196 - 198 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#197 Fixed latest nightlies are CPU hogs andar


I follow the latest development of the 0.6 branch with the nightlies for hardy. I upgraded from gutsy 0.6.0-svn3130-1 to hardy 0.6.0-svn3150-1 on April 28th and today to 0.6.0-svn3150-1. I believe ever since April 28th, deluged is taking a lot more CPU resources than before. I have around 5 to 10 torrents running (mostly Ubuntu ISOs) with usually no more than 2 being downloaded, the rest seeding. deluged runs on a VIA C3 machine with 600MHz and used to consume about 10-15% CPU time for the task. Now it is more like 40-60%. Not sure if it was the move from svn3130 to svn3150 or the switch from the gutsy package to the hardy one that triggered this. The gutsy svn3130 package was running on hardy just fine for a couple of days, IIRC.


Rolf Leggewie

#198 Fixed "Open containing folder ..." doesn't work markybob vln

Since version on Ubuntu 8.04 when clicking on "Open containing folder ..." in the torrents right-click menu nothing happens.

I don't know if it is related, but similar problem is with the save file dialog (when opening a new .torrent file): clicking "OK" doesn't work. I have to select "Cancel" and then "OK" again, only then the window closes after pressing "Enter". This should be OS's responsibility, but this particular dialog works in all other cases, except when used in Deluge.

#199 Fixed Ratio is not correct (in markybob anonymous

Although a 'ratio' display bug is set to be fixed, I think the ratio is still not displayed correctly. I installed a fresh Ubuntu 8.04 and installed the Deluge version that comes with Ubuntu ( (?)). I noticed that the ratio is going up although my download speed is higher than my upload speed which could only lead to a decreasing ratio I would think.

I found the update on this site which says that a ratio display bug was fixed. I tried it but still the ratio climbs as my download is faster than my upload. Also a ratio above 0 is displayed (about 0.1) even when I have not uploaded anything at all yet.

For the rest: keep up the good work, I always used Azureus on my machines but I think I will make the switch to Deluge! It's fast, small and very versatile! A request: perhaps you could include a 'bytes uploaded/downloaded' to the columns and perhaps some small statistics window which gives the total bytes uploaded/downloaded ever.

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