Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (199 - 201 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3169 Fixed deluge ppa renato

Please update the deluge ppa and also the develop ppa as ubuntu 18.04 is released tomorrow.

#3170 Invalid Not Responding MagicPez

Hello, This morning Deluge stopped working for me. All I get is what you see in the attached screenshot. I am not able to check anything because the entire window is not responsive to anything. I uninstalled & reinstalled. Did not work. I tried again and it still is not responding. I need to finish some seeds or my ratio is going to be ruined on a tracker I use. I really hope I can continue with Deluge and not have to set up a whole new client I am not familiar with. I hate uTorrent so that one is out of the question. I use Windows 10. Thank you for your time and help

#3184 Invalid xdg-open is deprecated under gnome 3.24 GianpaMX

Open file shows a warning that xdg-open has been deprecated in favor of gio in GNOME. ` This tool has been deprecated, use 'gio open' instead. See 'gio help open' for more info. `

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