Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (199 - 201 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2945 WontFix autoadd torrent broken with systemd service graysky

Summary: I am running deluged via the distro provided systemd service (which I attached to this ticket for reference). Deluged is configured to "auto add .torrents from: /mnt/share/Downloads" but it only adds one torrent from that directory. If I download additional ones or if additional ones are in that directory, it does not take any action.

Upon adding the torrent, journalctl shows a single line:

Nov 29 07:14:21 seedbox deluged[702]: Unhandled error in Deferred:

If I stop the systemd service and run deluged as my user, all torrent files are detected and added and nothing is written to ~/.config/deluge/deluge.log

Version of deluge: I am running the official Arch Linux package which is 1.3.13+2+g6c73105

#599 Fixed auto add torrent in paused state andar anonymous

I'd like to see a setting where one could set torrents automatically added from a watch folder to be paused or unpaused.

This would be particularly useful for torrents coming from RSS feeds that need to be downloaded to specific folders rather than the default folder. Before starting the torrent you could point the torrent to the desired directory and then start the download.

#675 Fixed Auto add torrents broken andar anonymous

Whenever I use the option "Auto add .torrent" and the torrents exists in that directory deluge can't start and hangs.

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