Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (205 - 207 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3027 Fixed On restart Deluge ignores "do not download" davidhart

To replicate:

  1. Download torrent selecting only certain files.
  2. Reboot
  3. Re-start Deluge

The un-selected files are still marked (in red) "Do not download" but they are being downloaded nevertheless.

The expectation is that Deluge will honor DND.

Distro=Fedora 25. RPM via DNF.

#3022 WorksForMe WebUI Not Working on Linux Mint Edward_Stryfe

I'm using Linux Mint Version 17 and just installed deluge and when I tried to activate the webui plugin all seemed well until I went to the option in Preferences. I get the message that "The Deluge Web Interface is Not Installed" all other plugins, both included and external work just fine though.

#3020 Fixed Deluge Doesn't Save Default Download Directory Backster_R

For some reason Deluge 1.3.14 (and earlier) doesn't remember the default downloads and completed moved to directory when changed from the default location to another hard drive in preferences.

System information: Windows 10 x64 (up to date as of 4/2017) Deluge 1.3.14 installed to default folder

To reproduce: In Deluge: Edit > Preferences > Downloads change "Download To" to another folder on a different hard drive (e.g.. H:\torrents\ Change "Move Completed to" to another folder within the download folder you just specified (e.g. H:\torrents\{complete\)

Click apply, then ok.

Exit Deluge. Restart deluge. Look at the preferences: Edit > Preferences > Downloads. The downloads location has reverted to the original "Downloads" folder.

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