Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (205 - 207 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#743 Fixed Using 'debug' for loglevel does not redirect to file andar anonymous

If you use 'debug' with the --loglevel switch (--loglevel=debug) all output goes to standard out, even if --logfile is specified.

#3082 Fixed Use translated strings from 1.X in 2.X jony0008

Hi, I saw that it is possible to start to translate deluge 2.0 ( but zero strings are translated. Could already translated strings from 1.X be used so that not all strings have to be translated again for 2.0?

#2722 WontFix "Use this proxy for all connection types" Meitar M.

It would be sweet if a single proxy selection could be used to set the proxy preference for Peer, Web Seed, Tracker, and DHT connections in one fell swoop, rather than having to set each of these individually.

In my experience, I rarely want or need to set different proxy settings for these different protocol request types, but when I do want to use a proxy, I want to use it for all connections. For bonus points, it would be nice if there were another option (the default?) to "Use the system proxy settings" that would simply use whatever the OS's current configured proxy is, since that's usually what I'm setting proxy settings to, anyway. :)

Thanks for such a great piece of software.

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