Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (205 - 207 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#206 Fixed SystemTray instance has no attribute 'tray_glade' andar anonymous

when changing the max. upload speed in the statusbar of the 0.6 gtkui, I get this:

[DEBUG   ] signals:114 config_value_changed signal received..
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/", line 116, in config_value_changed
    component.get("SystemTray").config_value_changed(key, value)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/", line 149, in config_value_changed
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/", line 162, in _on_max_upload_speed
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/", line 206, in build_tray_bwsetsubmenu
AttributeError: SystemTray instance has no attribute 'tray_glade'

There is no crash and changing the speed works, but it is a bug I think.

#207 Fixed gtk ui crashes over ssh andar


the gtk ui crashes in the latest hardy nightly. Not sure if it makes a difference, but I call it on machine X and forward it over SSH to machine Y's display. Both machines are on a LAN.

[DEBUG   ] component:102 Registered QueuedTorrents with ComponentRegistry..
[DEBUG   ] configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf'
/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/deluge/ui/gtkui/ GtkWarning: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "industrial",
[DEBUG   ] component:102 Registered DbusInterface with ComponentRegistry..
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/deluge", line 8, in <module>
    load_entry_point('deluge==', 'console_scripts', 'deluge')()
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/deluge/", line 70, in start_ui
    UI(options, args)
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/deluge/ui/", line 61, in __init__
    ui = GtkUI(args)
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/deluge/ui/gtkui/", line 133, in __init__
    self.dbusinterface = DbusInterface(args)
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/deluge/ui/gtkui/", line 57, in __init__
    bus = dbus.SessionBus()
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dbus/", line 217, in __new__
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dbus/", line 106, in __new__
    bus = BusConnection.__new__(subclass, bus_type, mainloop=mainloop)
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dbus/", line 125, in __new__
    bus = cls._new_for_bus(address_or_type, mainloop=mainloop)
dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: Failed to execute dbus-launch to autolaunch D-Bus session
#208 Fixed Plugin to mark some torrents as "sticky" markybob

When you're babysitting a number of torrents in seeding, you'd be interested in "purging" from the list only those not marked as "sticky". This can be especially nice if you've got some torrents of yours for which you're the only seeder, and removing occasional downloads, with a long list of torrents.

So, it'd be great if you could pin down (like done for Tomboy notes) some torrents in the main window not to have them removed from the list when selecting "Clear seeding torrents".

A little pin icon near the torrent ordinal number would probably do the trick. Stealing them shamelessly from Tomboy could be nice :-).

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