Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (208 - 210 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1949 Fixed Users should be able to set rotate-log settings. peeping

Currently, "-r" option rotates log files when they reach 50MB. This is an unneccesarily big number.

Users should be able to specify rotate term or the file size at which deluge should rotate log files.

Whether to add those options to configuration files or command line options depends on devs.

#2878 WontFix user name rules here on trac amon1337

i just made my account to post a feature request. upon entering my desired user name trac doesn't tell you what it dislikes about your choice. i just got a generic "name doesn't match criteria" error. you should tell users if there's a minimum length or forbidden characters.

#525 WontFix User-defined (Do not count slow torrents) andar anonymous

In the Queue settings , there is a check box "Do not count slow torrents" . As I don't understand how a torrent is qualified to be tagged *slow* , It would be great If could control this setting and customize it to my needs as a user .

For example : If the torrent download speed is less than 10KB/s consider it slow .

I hope you understand me and go for the idea .

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