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Results (208 - 210 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#209 Duplicate [Windows only] Deluge installer can't copy certain files markybob

If Deluge crashes (which, in Windows, it does rather frequently) it leaves zombie instances of dbs-daemon-deluge.exe running (frequently along with some calls to libexpat.dll via rundll32.exe). These processes persist even if Deluge is restarted and closed correctly.

If the Windows installer is then run (as an upgrade, etc.), it throws the following errors:

Error opening file for writing:




...because the zombie processes are still running (files are in use).

Is it possible to have the installer kill these processes before replacing files?

Workaround: kill dbus-daemon-deluge.exe and rundll32.exe by hand.

#210 WontFix Blocklist Plugin is unclear in documentation markybob

The Blocklist plugin links you to a pretty sparse page of the wiki. It would be much more informative to link to this section of the faq. It was trivially easy to set up a blocklist after finding the below link.

#211 Duplicate (windows) immediately closes upon openig andar anonymous

As soon as I click to run deluge, the file crashes. There are no warnings, and the icon briefly appears in the system tray.

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