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Results (208 - 210 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#635 Fixed Autofocus to password input in webui... mvoncken

Currently, whenever the user goes initially goes to the login page on the web UI, they have to manually change the focus to the password input box (by clicking on the input box or tabbing through the links). Attached, you will find a diff (against the -current version of deluge) to change the focus to the password input box on window load. You will notice from the diff that I have coded the event within a script element on the login page. I looked through the mootools stuff and site, but it appears that the 'addEvents' method is only included with the mootools event package. Since, I didn't see that this mootools package was included with deluge, I therefore hand-coded the focus for the password input box on window load. If you have a better suggestion on how to implement this, I would be glad to hear and implement it.

BTW, you will note that the diff also includes changes to the login failure error message. This is due to the fact that there is a space missing between the comma and the 'try' word. I would also recommend that the error CSS class declaration (in template_style.css) be expanded beyond 200 pixels. The error phrase, "Password is invalid, try again.", is longer than the error class' tiny 200 pixel length.

#222 Fixed Autoload corrupt torrent error andar anonymous

When I send one torrent file to my server, to my autoload directory, Deluge states that the torrent is corrupt. The error is due to Deluge trying to load the torrent before it has completely finished downloading.

#1046 Fixed Auto managed setting does not get set from the WebUI Damien Churchill RichGuk

The auto managed option in the WebUI is not getting update correctly.

It appears that in set_options the function for setting the auto managed setting should have the key is_auto_managed and not auto_managed.

I've attached a patch.

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