Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (211 - 213 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#525 WontFix User-defined (Do not count slow torrents) andar anonymous

In the Queue settings , there is a check box "Do not count slow torrents" . As I don't understand how a torrent is qualified to be tagged *slow* , It would be great If could control this setting and customize it to my needs as a user .

For example : If the torrent download speed is less than 10KB/s consider it slow .

I hope you understand me and go for the idea .

#526 Fixed Share ratio is being reseted andar

Once in a while, when I start deluge the share ratio counter is reseted. It only happens with some of the torrents in an apparently random way.

#528 Fixed Deluge does not remember its GUI settings on Gnome andar

Deluge 1.0.0 Gnome 2.22.3 / Ubuntu Hardy

Deluge GUI does not remember any GUI related settings (window size and position, inner windows' sizes...)

To reproduce...

  1. Open Deluge GUI, change window size, change inner organization.
  2. Close Deluge GUI.
  3. Open Deluge GUI.

Result: Deluge opens with default GUI settings.

Expected: Deluge should open with last used GUI settings.

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