Custom Query (2447 matches)
Results (214 - 216 of 2447)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#215 | Fixed | Fix ETA sort order | ||
Description |
Downloads that are pauzed or are downloading at 0.0KiB/s have their ETA set to forever (or something like that, I'm not using it in English but you probably get what I'm trying to say). When sorting downloads by ETA these paused/stalled downloads are placed higher than the fastest download, in stead of lower than the slowest. This doesn't make sense. A torrent that is not downloading is not faster than one that only has a few seconds left, at this rate it is slower than one that is expected to take another 3,5 days to download. Can the sorting be changed to display them in this order? Thank you! |
#216 | Duplicate | Visual C + + Runtime Library Error | ||
Description |
Keep getting a Visual C++ Runtime error. Tired of getting it. Not the only one recieving this error: type in 'deluge visual c++ runtime library error' and you'll see the many other people sick and tired of getting this error. Stop worrying about bloat and eye candy-fix bugs instead. |
#217 | Fixed | Additions to blocklist plugin | ||
Description |
I am new to Ubuntu and this is my first python plugin. I would really like to see it in the next version. WHAT IT DOES 1) Adds preferences to blocklist config: "Show import dialog on startup" 2) If import dialog is enabled it will show it on startup or else it wont 3) It will still show the import dialog when changing the config (to avoid confusing people) WHY IS IT NEEDED Many people start Deluge on system startup and they choose to start it minimized to the notification area. It is really annoying to have the import dialog popup for up to 5 minutes while you just want the program to run in the background. |