Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (217 - 219 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3244 Fixed Use gzip content encoding only if supported by client tkSimon

At the moment deluge responds to requests for certain resource with gzip content encoding regardless of the requests accept-encoding header. It should only use gzip encoding if supported by the client.

Personally, I wanted deluge to respond with uncompressed assets because i have an nginx reverse proxy in front of deluge that's doing brotli (and gzip compression,) and caching those. The issue being that nginx only compresses when the origin (deluge) sends them uncompressed. This is usually achieved by configuring nginx to not forward the accept-encoding header.

To reproduce, run: curl -o /dev/null -v

The response will have a "Content-Encoding: gzip" header, and it's payload will be gzipped even though the request doesn't contain an "Accpet-Encoding: gzip" header.

I created a PR to fix this:

#1944 Fixed use errno constants for portability Calum cgreco

For portability, please use errno constants instead of integer values. Patch attached, but please double-check because may require some "import errno".

#414 Fixed use async write_resume_data method andar andar

Currently, the core uses a synchronous write_resume_data method, but that is being deprecated in libtorrent.

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