Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (217 - 219 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#536 Fixed 403 error when trying to download windows 32 version andar anonymous
#537 WorksForMe pb on screen preference andar les.subilleau

i have installed the Deluge 1.0.1 version 32 bits Windows os and when i access to the preference screen, all options are disabled. I can't choose my own port. With the old version, i haven't encounter this problem. Pending, i keep my old version

#539 Duplicate if media not mounted. Back to 0% andar anonymous

I use Ubuntu 8.04 and have been using deluge for a while. I have realized a problem with deluge when I save the download file into FAT32 partition. As you might know, ubuntu does not mount the drive automatically.

Here's a sequence of problem that I think happen.

  1. Start downloading torrent into FAt 32 partition drive (the media is mounted at this point)
  2. Pause the download. Turn the computer off.
  3. Turn on the computer. (media is not mounted)
  4. start deluge (media not mounted)
  5. warnings that says "folders could not be created" or something along that line.
  6. I mount the media and attempt to resume the torrent.
  7. torrent download starts from 0%

please look into this matter. thank you.

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