Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (217 - 219 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#449 Fixed 1.0.0_RC7 segfaults with corrupted torrents markybob

Problem : Version 1.0.0_RC7 segfaults when trying to add a corrupted torrent. What's expected : At least not segfaulting. A better way would be to display a message like in version

#450 Fixed padding files andar Gollath

Bitcomet creates (if user wishes to do so) padding files.

Their name is like this:

  _____padding_file_599_if you see this file, please update to BitComet 0.85 or above____
  _____padding_file_12_if you see this file, please update to BitComet 0.85 or above____


Their purpose is to adjust file start to a new chunk. Their content is 0x00 straight away (afaik) of their size. This is insane as those files can make the torrent size grow about 5-10%. They are a waste of Bandwith.


  • Automatically fill them with 0x00 and mark them as 100%, so you do not get to much overhead (which is about 5-10% ! ).
  • Also make them invisible in files list (or maybe a checkbox)
  • Mark them as "do not upload" or "low priority upload".

I marked this as major as I think it should be quite easy to implement. Also, this makes a major difference in both bandwith usage AND usability.



#451 Fixed Add vertical scroll bar to sidebar in GTK UI andar anonymous


Using a 1024x768 screen resolution & having around 45+ active torrents and 6+ trackers with the sidebar visible the size of the details tab at the bottom gets squished down too much.

The required vertical height of the sidebar is so big there isn't enough space left at the bottom.

I'd like to turn on labels - but that makes the bottom panel too small to use.

Suggested Solution(s):

  • Add a vertical scrollbar to the sidebar and not display the entire sidebar
  • Enable expanding / collapsing status, tracker (and with label plug-in label) sections to reduce required vertical real estate for sidebar.
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