Custom Query (2447 matches)


Show under each result:

Results (220 - 222 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#221 WontFix DBusException at /torrent/add mvoncken anonymous

--Deluge Error-- DBusException : org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.deluge.core.InvalidEncodingError: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dbus/", line 655, in _message_cb

retval = candidate_method(self, *args, keywords)

File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/", line 180, in add_torrent_url


File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/", line 255, in _add_torrent


File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/deluge/", line 415, in add_torrent

return self.sync() # Syncing will create a new torrent in the core, and return it's ID

File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/deluge/", line 1030, in sync

raise e


path : /torrent/add file : /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dbus/ in call_blocking, line 602

--Input-- <Storage {'url': '', 'redir': , 'submit': 'Enviar', 'torrent': }>

--Versions-- WebUi : rev.172 Python : 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Mar 7 2008, 04:10:12) [GCC 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)] dbus:0.82.0


File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/lib/webpy022/", line 304, in wsgifunc

result = func()

File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/lib/webpy022/", line 131, in <lambda>

func = lambda: handle(inp, fvars)

File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/lib/webpy022/", line 61, in handle

return tocall(*([x and urllib.unquote(x) for x in args] + fna))

File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/", line 152, in deco

return func(self, name) #ok, continue..

File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/", line 195, in POST


File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dbus/", line 135, in call


File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dbus/", line 603, in call_blocking

message, timeout)

#222 Fixed Autoload corrupt torrent error andar anonymous

When I send one torrent file to my server, to my autoload directory, Deluge states that the torrent is corrupt. The error is due to Deluge trying to load the torrent before it has completely finished downloading.

#223 WorksForMe DBusException at /index mvoncken anonymous

--Deluge Error-- DBusException : org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name :1.12 was not provided by any .service files path : /index file : /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dbus/ in call_blocking, line 602

--Input-- <Storage {}>

--Versions-- WebUi : rev.172 Python : 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Mar 7 2008, 04:10:12) [GCC 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)] dbus:0.82.0


File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/lib/webpy022/", line 304, in wsgifunc

result = func()

File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/lib/webpy022/", line 131, in <lambda>

func = lambda: handle(inp, fvars)

File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/lib/webpy022/", line 61, in handle

return tocall(*([x and urllib.unquote(x) for x in args] + fna))

File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/", line 152, in deco

return func(self, name) #ok, continue..

File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/", line 136, in deco

res = func(self, name)

File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/", line 169, in deco

return func(self, name)

File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/", line 103, in GET

for torrent_id in ws.proxy.get_session_state()]

File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dbus/", line 135, in call


File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dbus/", line 603, in call_blocking

message, timeout)

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.