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Results (220 - 222 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#452 Fixed arch pkgbuild fix sadrul anonymous

The PKGBUILD included in the download section has a small error:

  • install -D -m644 pixmaps/deluge.svg $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps/deluge.svg

+ install -D -m644 deluge/data/pixmaps/deluge.svg $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps/deluge.svg

#453 Fixed Exclusively textless buttons are a mistake andar

The buttons in the toolbar of Deluge in the 1.0.0 Release Candidates are without any text. Applications like Firefox do the same thing, and to save space and UI clutter, perhaps it makes sense, but, unlike Firefox, Deluge offers absolutely no option to turn text on.

You might think the icons are intuitive, but for a start you have no idea what icon theme a person is going to be using, and depending on how wise that icon theme is, the buttons may be a nonsense on their own. Furthermore, even with a very sensible theme, such as Tango, the plus and minus buttons might be adding or removing anything, the up and down arrows might be increase or decreasing some kind of values- perhaps they're about download speeds, perhaps they're just moving things up and down the queue (which is in fact their function); who knows? Not only that; some people simply can't make sense of icons, or in fact can't see at all too well in the first place.

Now, I'm going to go out on a limb here, and suggest that the interface settings for whether or not icons show text should be obeyed, and the best, and easiest, thing for Deluge to do would be to simply relinquish control of that altogether.

If that's not acceptable, I think it should at least be possible to turn text on.

#455 Fixed deluged crashes on force re-check of compleated torrent andar tomterrific


When I forced a re-check on a completed paused torrent the daemon crashes.

I've had some problems with torrents getting near completion and then on a deluge restart after a crash suddenly being 10% or 15% less completed. So I wanted to check a torrent that had completed.

Forcing a re-check on a paused or seeding torrent caused the daemon to crash.

Checking a down loading torrent worked OK.

Using full file allocation.

How To Reproduce

  • Start deluge using GTK UI
  • Set torrent to stop seeding at 1.3
  • Configure to move torrent to a different directory when completed
  • Add torrent
  • Let torrent complete & pause
  • Use right-click on torrent menu to force re-check
  • daemon crashes, UI keeps running

Configuration Details

Deluge: 1.1.0-devr3758 running with GTK UI
System: Ubuntu 8.08 i386

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