Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (223 - 225 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#224 Fixed Files re-downloads markybob anonymous

When I open deluge my previously 100% downloaded files begins to re-download at between 70-95%. When the downloads are finished they stop download and only seeds but the next time I start deluge the downloads are back at about 90% and they download the last percents again

#225 Duplicate Deluge downloads more files than i selected to markybob

I downloaded a torrent containing more files. I selected a few for normal priority, and the others were marked as "don't download".

Deluge downloaded the files I selected, but few others appeared in the download directory. I have to manually check which was downloaded correctly, because I use full allocation so I couldn't guess from the file sizes.

I use Ubuntu 8.04 and deluge from your site.

#226 Duplicate Problem in download size estimation markybob

Well I wouldnt call this excatly as a bug, but nor is it a feature or plugin request either. it is possible to choose individual file from a torrent and download it, but if I have 15GB torrent and I choose to download only one file say of 500MB out of it and my HDD has only 5GB, it says unable to download, not enough space. I think that needs to be corrected

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