Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (223 - 225 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#547 Fixed Deluge needs a descriptive menu entry, rather than just "Deluge" andar anonymous

"Transmission" made the same exact mistake, taking itself way too seriously and just providing "Transmission" with no description (they've since fixed it).

Same thing is with Deluge.

The proper menu entry should be "Deluge BitTorrent Client".

I'm assigning this to version 1.0.2, as this is what I use, but it probably applies to trunk as well.

#548 Invalid Deluge won't even start andar

after installing Deluge on Arch Linux, the program fails to start and gave me a report.

#549 Fixed Save sidebar width in gtkui after restart andar anonymous

If you exit and start again gtkui sidebar's width will be changed to default value

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