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Results (229 - 231 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1321 Duplicate UPnP/NAT-PMP does not reopen ports when closed wart

Deluge should attempt to reopen ports that were opened via UPnP or NAT-PMP when they suddenly become closed. This can happen (for example) when the main gateway router is rebooted but the computer system behind the router is still running Deluge (unaware of the reboot).

Some other clients like Vuze seem to already handle this case. But in my testing of 1.3.0-rc1, Deluge does not reopen the ports.

#879 Invalid Upnp forwards aren't closed on exit andar Nick

After exiting Deluge, the upnp forwards in the router remain open. I went into my router one day to fine about 20 forwards left open from Deluge that I had to manually remove. I've tested some other applications that use upnp and they don't seem to have a problem closing their forwards, so I don't think it's a firmware problem. I've also been able to reproduce this on the stock Linksys firmware that came with the router as well as DD-wrt which is what I'm using now.

Using Deluge 1.1.6 on Ubuntu 9.04

#973 Fixed Upnp forwards are closed immediately andar Nick

I've noticed that Deluge will open a upnp forward but then it immediately closes it. I'm using Deluge 1.1.9 on Ubuntu 9.04 and my router is running dd-wrt. I've got a capture from Wireshark if it helps any.

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