Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (22 - 24 of 2447)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3054 Invalid 1 slow torrent makes all torrents slow artbaby

hello I have a server and I was using rtorrent for years until I found some issues about stability in rtorrent then I started using deluge but deluge has a seriously big problem ONLY 1 slow torrent in the list of download , makes entore torrents , inside the list , slow

I installed deluge in 4 servers and I am using deluge-web

I asked 2 other site owner use it and they have exactly the same problem

6 months ago I came here to report but your registration wasnt working until now I told myself , I must do this

Please find a solution for this huge problem and believe me test 1 session and you will see its so abvious problem

the only way can fix it is: pause slow torrent and everything will be ok but the problem is its automatic I am not there all the time to pause slow torrents you really need to find a solution for this problem thank you

#536 Fixed 403 error when trying to download windows 32 version andar anonymous
#2612 Invalid 404 Not Found error with every torrent ShawnReynolds

I keep getting a "404 not found" error with almost every torrent I try to download. I have been getting it with torrents from every site I use (,, Any help would be appreciated.

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