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Results (244 - 246 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2966 Fixed Rename deprecated unittest methods Calum

Method Name 	 	Deprecated alias(es)
assertEqual() 	 	failUnlessEqual, assertEquals
assertNotEqual() 	failIfEqual
assertTrue() 	 	failUnless, assert_
assertFalse() 	 	failIf
assertRaises() 	 	failUnlessRaises
assertAlmostEqual()  	failUnlessAlmostEqual
assertNotAlmostEqual() 	failIfAlmostEqual
#2965 Fixed Port AutoAdd magnet fixes from 1.3 to develop Calum

Some refactoring of the autoadd core code required too

[b52de1549eb], [8a3f15e5c0]

#2964 Fixed TypeError when trying to check authentication level in RPC Server. Calum georgetg

In file deluge/core/

(connectionMade) - Line 208:

self.factory.authorized_sessions[self.transport.sessionno] = AUTH_LEVEL_NONE

Then in (dispatch) - Line 293:

auth_level = self.factory.authorized_sessions[self.transport.sessionno][0]
if auth_level < method_auth_requirement:
    # This session is not allowed to call this method
    log.debug("Session %s is trying to call a method it is not authorized to call!", self.transport.sessionno)
    raise NotAuthorizedError("Auth level too low: %s < %s" % (auth_level, method_auth_requirement))

This will throw a TypeError if the user is not authenticated, since

self.factory.authorized_sessions[self.transport.sessionno] is AUTH_LEVEL_NONE which is an int. The type error would be handled by the following except Exception, e: which is not the expected behavior of an unauthenticated call.

A trivial fix would be:

self.factory.authorized_sessions[self.transport.sessionno] = (AUTH_LEVEL_NONE, None)

at line 208, but I am not sure if it breaks something else.

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