Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (247 - 249 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2195 Fixed [lt.sess.set.ssl_listen] An option to disable the bittorrent SSL port surdose

Recent versions of libtorrent have the bittorrent over SSL support. It would be nice to disable the default 4433 TCP port when it's not needed.

To not listen on an SSL socket at all, set ssl_listen to 0.
#2500 Invalid Adding torrent > unchecking certain files > still downloaded superstate

While adding a torrent and unchecking certain files, they will still be downloaded.

Not a big issue for smaller file sizes but a major issue when large files are getting downloaded even though you specified not to download them.

#800 Invalid connecting to ur site anonymous


deluge 1.10 seems to download torrents ok [just installed it]but will not update to new version although it offers to and will not connect to ur site for "help" etc.

i cant find the built in browser

using win xp pro

thanks mark

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