Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (247 - 249 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#577 Fixed Drag and drop not working. andar

Dragging a torrent into the Deluge main window only opens the "Add Torrents" dialog but does not add the torrent to the "Add Torrents" dialog. I also tried dragging torrents into the "Add Torrents" dialog, without success.

I'm using Deluge on Windows XP SP3.

#579 Fixed Download location is set for all torrents instead of one torrent. andar

When I set the "Download Location" in the "All Torrents" dialog, it is automatically set for all torrents (and I didn't click the "Apply To All" button).

OS: Woe XP SP3

#580 WorksForMe Not all torrents added when adding torrents. andar

In the "Add Torrents" dialog, when I select multiple files in the "Open File" dialog, they're not all added to the list.

And also, sometimes when I do see torrents in the "Add Torrents" dialog, and I press OK they're not all added to Deluge.

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