Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (247 - 249 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3014 Fixed Bug 2990 still not completely fixed Prods


I just tried the fixed version (March 17) of 1.3.14 and while the download issues in bug 2990 appear to be fixed, the file selection and subsequent attempts to invoke the "do not download" option still have issues:

1) Choosing "do not download" for a folder does not work.

2) Choosing "do not download" for files within a folder often requires several attempts to work.

3) Exiting Deluge and restarting it removes all the "do not download" settings on the files chosen.

4) Random crashes when trying to invoke the "do not download" option.

Had to go back to 1.3.12 again as this makes Deluge unusable for my needs.

#19 Invalid bugging me for updates

When I start Deluge, there is a message box that pops up that says "There is a newer version of Deluge. Would you like to be taken to our download site?" I am using the latest version on Windows XP.

#1947 Duplicate Bug in 1.3.3 always error when downloading xzilvinas

The error appears always in deluge and stops downloading if the torrent haves thees kinds of files:

twiz-betterlife-720p.sub 8.18 MB

twiz-betterlife-720p.mkv 4.36 GB

twiz-betterlife-720p.idx 100.03 kB

twiz-betterlife-720p.nfo 8.69 kB

I think its because .sub and .idx, or maybe just one of them. (these files are in the same root btw) everything is just fine if there are no .sub and .idx in the torrent, and if there are the error appears and stops downloading.

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