Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (250 - 252 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#195 Fixed Deluge ignore socks settings markybob Supermaks

Even when I setup all four socks proxies in configuration deluge anyway make direct connect to seeds and peers.

#2200 Duplicate deluge-gtk can't set download path SuperBo

When I try to add a new torrent. In download location option, if I choose a directory in pop-up menu, then the directory of download path is right. But, if I choose "Other..." and choose another folder then when I look at info about download location, it is my home folder (which is default download folder). This problems happen with deluge-gtk. I don't know whether it happen with other interface.

Client: 1.3.5 libtorrent:

#2301 Duplicate Can't autoload Cyrillic-named torrents Stanislav

I placed torrent-file named: ТестовыйТоррент.torrent into autoload directory. Deluged can't load it.

Deluged loading it after renaming file into TestTorrent.torrent

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