Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (250 - 252 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#502 Fixed association in vista doesnt work markybob markybob

deluge is not set as the default bittorrent client in vista

#503 Fixed Changes to to workaround broken boost packages markybob

To package deluge=1.0.0 for Foresight I needed to change to workaround a broken boost package. The changes made could help other packagers build Deluge.

Firstly /usr/lib/ only exists when building for x86, for x86_64 it is in /usr/lib64, I suggest changing the logic to use LIBDIR rather than /usr/lib explicitly.

Secondly all the boost libraries *except* boost_thread are available as both -mt and non -mt. To workaround that I changed it explicitly in _libraries. However combined with the first problem however this failed unexpectedly building for both arches - it tried to use boost_thread-mt-mt. So I added a further check before appending -mt.

#506 Fixed Can't add torrents andar Zae

When I use the add torrent dialog nothing happens. I click the torrent file I want to add and the browse dialog closes but then nothing happens.

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