Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (256 - 258 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#258 Fixed Unwanted Rechecking torrents at start of the deluge markybob

After restart of the application it rechecks already downloaded torrents (sometimes all of them). I first though that this occurs only when the system is shut, while deluge running, but this also happens when I close it properly and then start it again.

It is quite pain in the ass when you seed about 40 torrents and it starts rechecking all of them.

#977 WontFix Unwanted files and directories are kept andar anonymous

When specifying only certain files to download, multiple unwanted files and directories remain. I understand that sometimes torrent pieces are split between two files. However, when the download is completed, unwanted files and directories should be removed.

#1882 Fixed Untranslated strings Calum shnurapet

I fixed many strings in the Russian translation, but I haven't found some of the originals in the PO module (these strings show in English):

"Categories" (left pane in the Parameters dialog)

"Pause" (task right-click menu)

"Delete copy of torrent file on remove"

"Enable application indicator"

Update the modules, please.

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