Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (259 - 261 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#518 Fixed Add Torrent window too high for netbook displays (1024x600) andar anonymous

The Add Torrent window does not fit vertically on a 1024x600 screen in GNOME with two standard panels (one on top, one on the bottom of the screen). The buttons on the bottom edge of the window display under the bottom panel. This happens always, no matter if you add one or more torrents.

#520 Duplicate launch custom command when a download completes andar anonymous


the thing that i think is really missing is the possibility to define a command that is executed after the downloaded item is completed (and moved in an optional directory).

mldonkey has done a good implementation of such a feature, which i think should be reproduced in deluge (see

such a feature offers a lot of possibilities, like receiving a sms or an email when a download completes, changing the permissions on the files (i cannot find how to define this, or change the umask of the dummy user deluge is running as), sort different files in different directories depending on the file name extensions or other criteria, etc...

brief, everything the user can think of.

#523 Invalid webui portion of blocklist "download now" and "import now" dont work mvoncken anonymous

nothing seems to get done. hitting "refresh" doesnt show any updates

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