Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (259 - 261 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#518 Fixed Add Torrent window too high for netbook displays (1024x600) andar anonymous

The Add Torrent window does not fit vertically on a 1024x600 screen in GNOME with two standard panels (one on top, one on the bottom of the screen). The buttons on the bottom edge of the window display under the bottom panel. This happens always, no matter if you add one or more torrents.

#519 Fixed "seed this torrent" in create torrent should automatically select the right download location markybob markybob

users get confused with having to specify the parent folder instead of the torrent's root make this easier and do it automagically for them.

#521 Fixed Very slow download speeds andar cb474

After installing 1.0.0 download speeds on torrents are terrible (as compared to With 1.0.0 speeds no faster than 10KBps on any individual torrent. Unable to resolve this problem. Tried suggestion of limiting connections to 150 overall and 50 per torrent, but did not resolve problem. Reverted to and speeds are back to normal.

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